

Biologie degree

Biologie degree, in the Joseph Fourrier university of Grenoble.


Communication systems operator

54th Hyères Artillery Regiment. Planning, implementation, and maintenance of a network (radio/LAN)


Communication systems operator team leader

Responsible for the training and operation of a team of mobile network communication system operators

Operational experience: Four-month in Martinique to support populations between June 2018 and October 2018


Professional title DWWM (Web/Mobile Web Developer)

With AFPA to obtain the professional DWWM title. During this one-year formation I had the opportunity to carry out various projects, but also a two-month internship within the company Sypro Technologies in Hyères where I was able to use my development skills in a professional setting.


Launching my own business

Working in the south France from home, I opened my own business on February 1, 2024 with the aim of being able to offer my clients relevant web solutions.